There is a difference between leaving school before  17 years old and after 17.

The Department of Education (DET) requirements outline policy in relation to  early school leavers and leaving school before and after 17 years old.

Before leaving school it is important to have:

  1. Investigated all in school options.
  2. Talked to a careers advisor and have a plan.
  3. Investigated policy and school leaving age .
  4. Found a job or a course.
  5. Discovered your best career options through career exploration.
  6. Looked at opportunities to gain experience.

If you have decided to leave school before you complete year 10 or are under 17 there are many ways of getting year 12 or an equivalent (Cert 3 ).

The following options are available :

Continuing education with a Local Flexible Provider.

TAFE course.

Starting an Apprenticeship or Traineeship – the employment section of this site can help.

Having a break from school and doing a re engagement program.

Online secondary education and other online courses.

Distance Education

Home or Part time education


Services Australia has a school leavers page

If you need help reconnecting with education – the RECONNECT PROGRAM can help