Senior school programs can be completed at a school, TAFE of RTO , both VCE and VCAL are year 11 and 12 certificates
Senior School Programs are:
The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL).
Both Programs can include a VET Certificate – This is a TAFE course undertaken at school.
A School Based Apprenticeship (SBAT) can also be incorporated into either program – this is where you work and also undertake a certificate toward a qualification.
Where to Now – outlines the structure of senior programs and how to plan a program.
In the FMP region:
- All public secondary schools offer VCE.
- Most secondary schools offer VCAL.
- There are also private and independent schools that offer both VCE and VCAL.
- There is an RTO in the region that offers VCAL.
- TAFE offers both VCAL and VCE.
Find out more about which providers offers what certificate in the Flexible Providers section of the the site and on each schools website.